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Institute of Criminology


The Past, the Present and Future of Violence Research 

The Violence Research Centre (VRC) is five years old. It was officially launched during the Global Violence Reduction Conference on 18 September 2014. This international event was organised by the University of Cambridge and the World Health Organization. 

This seminar will address the question: What has been achieved in violence research in the past 20 years? What are the challenges and how can we achieve policy impact?

The Conference was filmed and photographed - you can see the photos and the programme here and watch the filmed lectures on our YouTube Channel.

Happy Anniversary Violence Research Centre!


Paolo Campana Manuel Eisner Justice Tankebee

Dr Paolo Campana, Professor Manuel Eisner, Dr Justice Tankebe


Seminars generally take place in B3 from 5.30pm, with refreshments after for attendees.

Institute of Criminology, Sidgwick Ave, Cambridge, CB3 9DA

These seminars are open to all interested in attending, with no ticket required
If you wish to be added to the seminar mailing list, please contact:


Thursday, 7 November, 2019 - 17:30 to 19:00
Event location: 
Seminar Room, Institute of Criminology