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Institute of Criminology


The Centre for Community, Gender and Social Justice hosts the annual Bill McWilliams Memorial Lectures. These lectures are given in the spirit of Bill McWilliams's work and represent an important contribution to thinking about contemporary probation practice.

Bill McWilliams, who died in 1997, had a prestigious career as a probation practitioner and writer. Now in their 23rd year, these lectures are given in the spirit of Bill McWilliams's work. They represent an important contribution to thinking about contemporary probation practice.

Past recordings


Probation – A local collaborative venture

Speaker: Helen Schofield


Probation unification: Stories, symbols and belonging.

Speaker: Professor Lol Burke, Liverpool John Moores University.


Can Probation be Rehabilitated?

Speaker: Gwen Robinson, University of Sheffield


Public Policy and Probation: is there a Welsh way?

Speaker: Rt Hon Mark Drakeford MS (First Minister of Wales)


Why Punish?

Speaker: Rob Canton


Helping, Holding and Hurting: A Dialogue about Penal Supervision

Speaker: Fergus McNeill


Penal Reform and Probation in Europe

Speaker: Vivian Geiran


Grace under Pressure: The Role of Courage in the Future of Probation Work

Speaker: Anne Worrall


Why Probation Matters

Speaker: Sue Hall


The Death Knell of a Much-Cherished Public Service?

Speaker: Paul Senior