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Institute of Criminology

The sitting room area of the library, with comfortable seating and artworks.

The Radzinowicz Library houses the most comprehensive criminology collection in the United Kingdom and is internationally recognised as a world-class criminal justice resource. The library was founded in 1960 and named after Sir Leon Radzinowicz, the first Director of the Institute (1959–72) and Wolfson Professor of Criminology (1959–73).


Admission to the library is by University of Cambridge card onlyPlease note, we do not accept any other form of identification. The library is available to:

• students and staff of the Institute of Criminology
• visitors to the Institute
• other members of the University
• others who may be admitted on application to the Librarian

Visiting the Library

  • Students and staff of other academic institutions may visit the library by arrangement.  We're not always open to visitors, so please contact us at least 48 hours ahead of your planned visit to check that we can accommodate you. You will need to bring your student/staff identity card with you.
  • Practitioners in the criminal justice system are also welcome to contact us regarding access to the library. Again, please enquire at least 48 hours in advance to check availability.
  • Please note, we do not admit drop-in visitors.

Opening Hours

During August, the Library is open for those with card access only.  Academics and PhD students of the Institute have 24/7 card access to the Library.

From Monday 2 September 2024, it will resume term time hours which are 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday.


Library Staff

Senior Library Assistant: Edward Mears

Contact Us

Radzinowicz Library, Institute of CriminologyUniversity of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA, United Kingdom

Tel: + 44(0)1223 335386
Fax: + 44(0)1223 335356