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Institute of Criminology

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Current Research Projects

Civic Dignity (A public dialogue about prisoner voting rights)

Covid-19 and the Psychological Wellbeing of Police Officers and Health Workers in Ghana

Crime & Networks Group

Crime During the Covid-19 Crisis: A Global Analysis

Deaths under Community Supervision

With colleagues Jake Phillips (Reader, Sheffield Hallam University, and former PhD student at the Institute) and Professor Nicky Padfield (Faculty of Law), Loraine Gelsthorpe continues to investigate deaths under community supervision.  Deaths in police custody and deaths in prison custody have received a lot of attention over the years, but deaths under community supervision much less so.  Their publications include:

Desistance Following Imprisonment Abroad Research Project

Ethical Failures in Policing

Evidence for Better Lives Study (EBLS)

Exploring the Quality of Prison Life in Tunisia

Inspiring Futures

Legitimacy and Counter-terrorism Policing

Life imprisonment from young adulthood: a longitudinal follow-up study

London Medieval Murder Map

Mental Health Challenges and Compromised Quality of Life among Offenders

Moral rules, social science and forms of order in prison

Neurogenetics and Differential Susceptibility to Criminogenic Social Environments

Situational Action Theory (Its development and refinement)

The Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development (CSDD)

The CSDD has followed up 411 London males who were aged 8-9 in 1961-62. Nine personal interviews with the males have been completed. It is planned to carry out a tenth interview directed by Prof Darrick Jolliffe.

The i-Gov Project: Illegal Governance of Markets and Communities

The Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adulthood Development Study (PADS+)

The São Paulo Project on the Social Development of Children

This is joint project with Glasgow University

Zurich Project on the Social Development from Childhood to Adulthood


Past Research Projects

'A good life in prison?’ Everyday ethics in a prison holding young men