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Institute of Criminology


Dr Brandon Langley

Brandon has been supervising MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management students since 2023.

He completed his PhD (dissertation title: 'Can police officers be taught to be fair? Lessons from a randomised field trial on training in legitimacy for UK counterterrorism police officers') and his MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management (dissertation title: 'A randomised control trial comparing the effects of procedural justice to experienced utility theories in airport security stops') at the Institute of Criminology.

Dr Jake Longhorn

Jake is a supervisor on the MSt in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management and holds a PhD in Criminology from the Institute of Criminology, where his research explored the reunification of looked-after children with their birth parents. His extensive research background also includes studies on police self-legitimacy, burnout, and wellbeing. As a supervisor, Jake provides insights on criminological research, supporting postgraduate students in their exploration of key issues in criminology and criminal justice.

Alongside his role as an academic supervisor, Jake works as a practice developer at the College of Policing. Jake works with other subject matter experts to create guidance for police officers and staff on topics including police responses to mental health crises, the use of stop-and-search, and the delivery of public and personal safety training.

Dr Eleanor Neyroud

Eleanor has a PhD from the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge. This focussed on the overlap between victimisation and offending. Using data from the Turning Point Project this offered an innovative analysis using randomised control trial data to explore the impact of an offender focussed intervention not on offending but victimisation. After and during completing her PhD Dr Neyroud has been working in the Criminology and Policing field in a variety of roles doing a combination of both teaching and research. Presently Dr Neyroud is employed by the Cambridge Centre for Evidence Based Policing (CCEBP), as well as the Metropolitan Police’s Strategic Insight Unit (SIU) working as a research manager and analyst. For the SIU Dr Neyroud is the primarily analyst working on a replication of Turning Point, as well as assisting in the evaluation of other randomised control trials. With the CCEBP Dr Neyroud’s work includes teaching online and in person short courses for police officers and analysts on several topics including policing serious violence and hot spot policing for PCSOs. Dr Neyroud also worked with Professor Sherman and Dr Peter Neyroud in the creation of the Cambridge Crime Harm Index, which helps police forces score crimes from the most harmful to the least allowing them to identify high harm people and places. Dr Neyroud has worked for the past three years with MsT students at the Institute of Criminology, beginning with providing statistical support to students and is now currently supervising students through their thesis year.

Research Manager at the Cambridge Centre for Evidence Based Policing

Mrs Olivia Pinkney CBE, QPM

Olivia was Chief Constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary for 7 years, where she was CEO of a monopoly, risk-based, highly accountable public service which is always in the public eye, serving 2 million residents, balancing fighting crime with safeguarding the public, and leading 5000 people. As Sir Robert Peel said 200 years ago 'policing is too important to leave to the police alone', so Olivia's role has also been to build and optimise meaningful partnerships across the public, private and academic sectors. She is trusted within those partnerships to deliver results and be a team player, delivering what works to reduce crime and vulnerability at every level. Having joined policing as a constable straight from Cambridge University, Olivia has worked in many fields of overt and covert policing. As one of the most senior officers in the UK, she has led across UK policing for all Local Policing matters of policy and practice, comprising the policing which people see & feel, and which is the gateway to all specialist operational services. She has led UK policing for children & young people, including youth justice, Police Chaplaincy, and been a member of Sentencing Council. Olivia has Chaired the statutory multi-agency Local Resilience Forum for major incident preparedness and response for over a decade. Olivia has a reputation for integrity and excellence: she is a Senior Associate Fellow with the Police Foundation and Chairs their committee for the annual Cumberland Lodge Conference. She is an Associate Chief Officer with the UK College of Policing and was proud to direct the flagship executive leadership programme across UK policing in 2022. Olivia is an alumnus of FutureVision public sector executive leadership 2021 and contributes to Windsor Leadership programmes. She was awarded QPM in 2016 and CBE in 2023.  Olivia chose to leave policing after 31 years in 2023, is currently tutoring students on the MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management at the Institute of Criminology.


Dr Gabriela Roman

MSt in Applied Criminology, Penology and Management 

Jacqueline Sebire is a retired Assistant Chief Constable and currently Senior Instructor in Leadership at Rabdan Academy Abu Dhabi UAE.  Her special interests are domestic abuse, risk assessment, leadership and crisis management. She has worked as a supervisor on the MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management programme since 2016.

David Shaw

David started as a Supervisor at Cambridge in 2022 and takes inspiration from working with the highly talented and motivated students and staff that make this programme such a rewarding and fulfilling experience for all those involved.

He is priveliged to have enjoyed a 36 year career in policing, operating at Chief Officer level for 11 years and culminating as Chief Constable of West Mercia Police. I held  national leadership roles for more than a decade as NPCC Lead of the Conflict Management portfolio and, biometric databases.

Leaving policing in 2016, David has continued his professional development working with the Home Office as stakeholder engagement lead and police advisor supporting a range of technology programmes and centres of innovation.Consequently, He has maintained professional currency with engagement across the police service, within the NPCC, the APCC and Government enhancing hisappreciation of the leadership, governance, ethical, organisational and technological challenges facing the service.

Debbie Simpson

Debbie is currently a supervisor for first year students undertaking the MSt in Applied Criminology and Police Management programme. After 35 years Debbie retired from policing as a Chief Constable having served in three different forces across the UK. She has a particular interest in leadership and development as well as improving policing through evidence based practice.

Chris Sims OBE, QPM

Chris began his career in the Metropolitan Police in 1980 and was Chief Constable of Staffordshire Police before retiring as Chief Constable of West Midlands Police in 2016.  He led work in the fields of forensic science, counter terrorism and the national response to austerity.  At the West Midlands Police he constructed a transformation programme to reset policing delivery and introduce new technology that involved a unique relationship with the private sector.  He is currently Policing Advisor to the Home Office Biometrics Programme with a particular interest in Facial Recognition.  In 2013 he was awarded the Peel Medal for his contribution to evidence based policing.  He is a graduate of St Peters College, Oxford and holds an MBA from Warwickshire University.

Jayne Sykes

Jayne has three decades of experience with West Yorkshire Police (WYP) and, laterly, T/Chief Executive of the WY Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (WYOPCC). She is a graduate of both the Strategic Command Course for chief officers and the University of Cambridge Police Executive Programme.  Experience includes Head of Performance and Intelligence Analysis for WYP and establishment of the Violence Reduction Unit at the WYOPCC.  Research interests include the design and implementation of a randomised trial in police body-worn video.  Current consulting portfolio includes the Cambridge Centre for Evidence-based Policing (tutor) and Home Office (programme management and governance).

(Last updated March 2024)