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Institute of Criminology


We are now accepting new applications from people who wish to visit the Institute. 

  • Applications to be a visitor in all categories must be submitted as soon as possible but ideally 9 - 12 months before the planned visit date.

Information on the possible visitor options can be found below:

Visiting Fellows

Visiting Fellows are usually senior, distinguished academics who wish to spend a period of between two months and one year working on a particular research project, often in collaboration with academic staff of the Institute. These are official appointments and have to approved by the Institute's Committee of Management.

Criteria for appointment

  • High academic standing both in teaching and research (or in the case of practitioners, able to demonstrate the applications of research at policy level)
  • Research interests compatible with those of the Institute
  • Planned collaboration with the members of the Institute
  • Where appropriate, the potential to make a contribution to the life of the Institute in the form of a seminar or workshop, or other relevant activity
  • We receive a great number of applications and so the success of your application may depend on the number of visitors that we have at any one time, and the facilities available for the chosen period of attachment

Application and approval process

Finding an academic host:

Applications must be made through a member of the Institute's academic staff, who would be your host. Prospective visiting fellows should review the research profiles of the Institute's academic staff, and then contact the most appropriate academic staff member to inquire if they are prepared to host them.

Application information required:

You should supply your agreed academic host with the following documents. They will then liaise with the visitor admin team to review. 

  • Name of proposed host 
  • A covering letter

  • An outline of the proposed research

  • Dates of proposed visit

  • A CV


Applications should be made as early as possible but at least 9 -12 months before the intended visit.

Applications will be considered by the Committee of Management, who meet once a term, and successful applicants will be notified of their appointment by the Director's Office after these meetings.

Bench fees

The bench fees for Visiting Fellows are £250 per calendar month (+VAT if applicable), payable in advance of arrival. 

Facilities offered

Visiting Fellows are offered:

  • Desk space (either in the Visitors' Room or in a private office if one is available)
  • Access to the University Library
  • Access to the Institute's Radzinowicz Library
  • Access to the Institute and University computer networks
  • Access to the Institute staff common room, refreshments facilities and use of basic consumables
  • Card access to the Institute
  • Listing on the current visitors page of the Institute website
  • Access to attend and invitations to present at lunchtime and guest seminars
  • £25 print credit pcm

Visa advice

(Visiting Scholars - from outside the UK)

  • The UK Government Visa and Immigration website offers advice and guidelines on who may require a visa, and how they should apply for one. 
  • You are also welcome to contact the visitor coordinator  with any questions you may have.

Further information

For further information, please contact the visitor coordinator:

Visiting Scholars

The Institute welcomes applications from academics (i.e. Professors, Readers, Associate Professors, as well as junior academics and post-docs) to be visiting scholars at the Institute of Criminology for a period of two months to one year.

Criteria for appointment

  • You will need to demonstrate achievements in studies and show potential in a relevant research area.
  • Research interests need to be compatible with those of the Institute.
  • Where appropriate, you will need to demonstrate the potential to make a contribution to the life of the Institute (in the form of a seminar or workshop, or other relevant activity).

Please note: We receive a great number of applications and so the success of your application may be affected by the number of visitors that we have at any one time, and the facilities available for the chosen period of attachment.

Application and approval process

Finding an academic host:

Applications must be made through a member of the Institute's academic staff who would be your host. Prospective visiting scholars should review the research profiles of the Institute's academic staff, and then contact the most appropriate academic staff member to inquire if they are prepared to host them.

Application information required:

You should supply your agreed academic host with the following documents. They will then liaise with the visitor admin team to review. 

  • Name of proposed host
  • A covering letter
  • Dates of proposed visit
  • A research proposal (This needs to outline your proposed research work area and the 'research activities' you plan to do during your time at the Institute)
  • A CV

Application process:

The Visitor Admin team will then notify the Director's Office of your application. The application and related paperwork will be reviewed by the Director. The Visitor Admin team will then notify you whether your application has been successful or not, and if approved, will begin the practical preparations for your visit.


The application / approval / preparation process can take several months to complete. We advise applications to be made as early as possible, ideally at least 9 months before the intended visit.

Bench Fees

The bench fees for Visiting Scholars are £125 per calendar month (+VAT if applicable), payable in advance of arrival.

Facilities Offered

Visiting Scholars are offered:

  • Access to the University Library
  • Access to the Institute's Radzinowicz Library
  • Access to the Institute and University computer networks
  • Access to the Institute staff common room, refreshments facilities and use of basic consumables
  • Card access to the Institute
  • Listing on the current visitors page of the Institute website
  • Access to attend and invitations to present at lunchtime and guest seminars
  • £25 print credit pcm

Important information

  • Prospective visitors will not be accepted unless they have an academic host within the Institute.
  • Work space in the Institute is very limited and we are generally unable to offer desk space to visiting scholars. We expect our visiting scholars to use the Radzinowicz Library to work in. The library is closed for the month of August each year, and visitors are usually able to have limited access at this time. 
  • The Institute does not provide funding for visiting scholars.

Visa advice

(For visiting scholars from outside the UK and Ireland)

  • The UK Government Visa and Immigration website offers advice and guidelines on who will require a visa, and how they should apply for one. 

Further information

For further information, please contact the Visitor Admin team at 

Visiting Students

The Institute occasionally accepts PhD. students for short visits of one to three months if an academic staff member is willing to act in a supervisory capacity for the duration of their visit.

It should be emphasised that the acceptance of visiting students is rare, and is dependent upon the support of the academic host.

Application and approval process

Finding an academic host:

Before making an application prospective visiting students should be in contact with a potential academic host. It is not possible to visit without a host.

Application information required:

You should supply your agreed academic host with the following documents. They will then liaise with the visitor admin team to review. 

  • Name of proposed host
  • Dates of proposed visit
  • A research proposal (This needs to outline your proposed research work area and the 'research activities' you plan to do during your time at the Institute)
  • A CV
  • A letter from your course supervisor from your Home Institution.  This letter should include:
    • Give your course title (level and subject) and the name of your PhD title;
    • Give start and anticipated end dates;
    • Give details of mode of study (full-time, part-time and/or distance learning);
    • Explain what your PhD thesis research is about;
    • Explain that the activities in Cambridge are part of the course;
  • A copy of the your Institution's Home Institution Agreement.
  • Confirmation that you are not coming to do an internship as part of your course

Application process:

The Visitor Admin team will then notify the Director's Office of your application. The application and related paperwork will be reviewed by the Director. The Visitor Admin team will then notify you whether your application has been successful or not, and if approved, will begin the practical preparations for your visit.


The application / approval / preparation process can take several months to complete.  We advise applications to be made at least 6 months before the intended visit.

Bench Fees

The bench fee for visiting students is £50 per calendar month (+VAT if applicable), payable in advance of arrival.

Facilities offered

Visiting students are offered:

  • Access to the University Library
  • Access to the Institute's Radzinowicz Library
  • Access to the Institute and University computer networks
  • Access to the Institute staff common room, refreshments facilities and use of basic consumables
  • Card access to the Institute
  • Listing on the current visitors page of the Institute website
  • Access to attend and invitations to present at lunchtime and guest seminars
  • £10 print credit pcm

Important information

  • Prospective visiting students are not accepted unless they have an academic host within the Institute. The host will be the primary person responsible for the visiting student during their visit.
  • Prospective students with a home institution agreement (that will require a signature on behalf of the Institute): this must forward to your prospective host and at the outset of the application process, along with all the other documents listed above.
  • Work space is very limited and visiting students will be expected to work in the Radzinowicz Library. The library is closed during August each year, and visitors are usually able to have limited access at this time. If the academic host is able to offer desk space from within their space allocation the Director's Office will be informed, as this factor will be considered during the approval process.
  • The Institute does not provide funding for visiting students.

Visa requirements

(For visiting students from outside the UK and Ireland)

Further information

For further information, please contact the Visitor Admin team at  

General Information about visiting Cambridge


There is a wide variety of accommodation available in Cambridge to suit all budgets.  Cambridge is always busy throughout the year, so we recommend that visitors look into accommodation options well in advance of their visit dates. Some examples of place to find accommodation are listed below:

Transport Links


There is a comprehensive bus service across the city and out to the surrounding villages (Citibus), as well as routes from the 'Park Ride' car parks on the edge of the city and the Guided Busway.  Timetables for these routes can be found on the Stagecoach website.

The ‘U’ Universal Bus service goes between Eddington (in the west of the city) - City Centre - Railway Station - Addenbrookes Hospital.  This is a discounted service for University members.  Each journey (whatever the distance) is £1 when showing your University ID Card, otherwise it is £2 each way.


Cambridge is very bike friendly city.  Bikes can be bought, or hired, from the following places: 

  • Kingsway Cycles (8 City Road, Cambridge, CB1 1DP).  They hire and sell second hand bikes, and do repairs.
  • City Cycle Hire (61 Newnham Road, Cambridge, CB3 9EY). They only hire bikes.
  • University Cycles (9 Victoria Avenue, Cambridge CB4 1EG). Sells secondhand bikes and does repairs. Opens: 8.30am (Mon – Sat). Closes: 5.45pm (Mon - Fri), 4.30pm (Sat).


Cambridge has two train stations, with trains going from both stations to London, Stansted Airport, the Midlands and further afield.

  • Cambridge Station, Station Road, Cambridge (in the city centre)
  • Cambridge North Station, Cowley Road, Cambridge (on the north side of the city)

Medical Services

Travel Insurance

All visitors from oversees are recommend to organise travel insurance before traveling to the UK.


The National Health Services (NHS) England website offers clear advice on what healthcare services overseas visitors may be entitled to use, and how much they may cost.

GHIC Card - The latest post Brexit advice for EEA and Swiss national visitors is available on the NHS GHIC website.

GP Surgery's

GP surgeries in Cambridge.

Out of Hours GP cover

  • Call NHS 111 if you urgently need medical help or advice but it's not a life-threatening situation. You can also call NHS 111 if you're not sure which NHS service you need.
  • Call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.


Addenbrooke's Hospital is the main hospital in Cambridge, and it has an A&E Department.

Things to See and Do

University Newcomers and Visiting Scholars

The University Newcomers and Visiting Scholars group is there to welcome those who are attached formally to the University, including their spouses, partners and family members. They run a program of activities each term, including a Tuesday Welcome Morning each week, and special events and trips.  All these details are available on their website.