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Institute of Criminology


For recordings, please click on Lecture Titles:

The 26th Annual McWilliams Probation Lecture ‘Probation – A local collaborative venture’


Do we punish too much? A Radzinowicz symposium

Nigel Walker Lecture - Guardianship, Reactive and Preventative

with Professor Daniel Nagin


Legal pluralism in the postcolony: Understanding women’s experiences of rape trials in Delhi

with Dr Arushi Garg

What (or who) has changed? Reflections on ‘revisiting’ an English Town

With Professor Ben Bradford, Dr Evi Girling, and Professor Ian Loader

The Relationism Theory of Criminal Justice – A Paradigm Shift

with Professor Jianhong Liu

Paper: Asian Journal of Criminology : The Relationism Theory of Criminal Justice—A Paradigm Shift

Institutionalising Forgiveness : Interpersonal Ideas in Criminal Justice

With Niki Lacey

Many Women, Many Feminisms: Varied Responses to Violence against Women

With Adrija Dey, Miranda Horvath and Zeynep Kaya

'The Texture of Imprisonment'

'Drug policy constellations: the role of power and morality in the making of drug policy in the UK’

with Professor Alex Stevens and Discussant Dr Paolo Campana

Influence Policing: Digital Nudges and ‘Policing the Polycrisis’ in UK Preventative Law Enforcement

With Dr Ben Collier