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Institute of Criminology



Jasmine has a BSc in Forensic Science and MSc in Forensic Osteology & Field Recovery Methods from the University of Kent. In 2023 began a part-time PhD at the Institute of Criminology, under the supervision of Dr Matt Bland.


Jasmine's primary research interest is Cyber-Dependent Crime Prevention. This encompasses the identification of motivations and characteristics of individuals engaging in low-level cyber crime, investigation of risk factors and pathways contributing to cyber-offending, pinpointing additional intervention opportunities, and the development of Preventative mechanisms for new and emerging cyber crimes.



Key publications: 

Marques, M. J., Pomeroy, J., Green, R., Deter, C., Bradu, A., & Podoleanu, A. (19 July 2019) "Improved visualization of decomposing tattoos using optical coherence tomography." Proc. SPIE 11078, Optical Coherence Imaging Techniques and Imaging in Scattering Media III, 110781S

(Provisional) Thesis Title: The Prevent Profile: exploring the modern cyber-dependent offender

Contact Details


Robinson College
Person keywords: 
Cyber crime prevention, cyber-dependent crime, pathways into cyber crime, motivations of cyber offenders, positive diversions