Ariel, B., Bland, M. & Sutherland, A. (2021). Experimental Designs (This book is part of the SAGE Quantitative Research Kit) This book covers the basics of designing and conducting basic experiments, outlining the various types of experimental designs available to researchers, while providing step-by-step guidance on how to conduct your own experiment. As well as an in-depth discussion of Random Controlled Trials (RCTs), this text highlights effective alternatives to this method and includes practical steps on how to successfully adopt them. Topics include: · The advantages of randomisation · How to avoid common design pitfalls that reduce the validity of experiments · How to maintain controlled settings and pilot tests · How to conduct quasi-experiments when RCTs are not an option Practical and succinctly written, this book will give you the know-how and confidence needed to succeed on your quantitative research journey. Nivette, A., Zahnow, R., …Ariel, B., ... & Eisner, M. (2021). 'A global analysis of the impact of COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions on crime'. Nature Human Behaviour. |
Auty, K. M., Farrington, D. P. & Coid, J. W. (2021). Intergenerational transmission of personality disorder: general or disorder-specific? Psychology Crime & Law Auty, K. M. (2021). Mediation in Prison. In M Farias, D. Brazier & M Lalljee (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Mediation. Oxford University Press |
Eisner, M., et al. (2021). The association of polyvictimization with violent ideations in late adolescence and early adulthood: A longitudinal study. Aggressive Behavior Obsuth, I., Murray, A. L., Knoll, M., Ribeaud, D. & Eisner, M. (2021). Teacher-Student Relationships in Childhood as a Protective Factor against Adolescent Delinquency up to Age 17: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Crime & Deliquency Defoe, I., van Gelder, J.- L., Ribeaud, D. & Eisner, M. (2021). The co-development of friend delinquency with adolescent delinquency and short-term mindsets: The moderating role of co-offending. Journal of Youth and Adolescence Leos-Toro, C., ..., Eisner,M. & Shanahan, L. (2021). Attitudes Toward COVID-19 Vaccination Among Young Adults in Zurich, Switzerland, September 2020. International Journal of Public Health, 66(38). Murray, A. L., Nagin, D., Obsuth, I., Ribeaud, D. & Eisner, M. (2020). Adulthood outcomes of joint mental health trajectories: A group-based trajectory model analysis of a 13-year longitudinal cohort study. Child Psychiatry & Human Development. (Updated 27 April 2021) Luong-Thanh, B.-Y. , Hoang Nguyen, L., Murray, L., Eisner, M., Valdebenito, S., Hoang, T. D., Phuc Do, H. & Van Vo, T. (2021). Depression and its associated factors among pregnant women in central Vietnam Health Psychology Open Nivette, A., ... , Eisner, M. (2021). Non-compliance with COVID-19-related public health measures among young adults in Switzerland: Insights from a longitudinal cohort study. Social Science & Medicine, 268 Murray, A. L ... , Eisner, M. & Ribeaud, D. (2021). Developmental Cascades from Aggression to Internalizing Problems via Peer and Teacher Relationships from Early to Middle Adolescence. Journal of Youth Adolescence 50, 663–673 Murray, A. L ... , Eisner, M. & Ribeaud, D. (2021). An ecological momentary assessment study of the role of emotional dysregulation in co-occurring ADHD and internalising symptoms in adulthood. Journal of Affective Disorders, 281, 708-713 |
Zych,I., Farrington, D.P., Ribeaud, D. & Eisner, M. (2021). Childhood explanatory factors for adolescent offending: A cross-national comparison based on official records in London, Pittsburgh and Zurich. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. Farrington, D. P., Jonkman, H. & Groeger-Roth, F. (2021). (Eds.) Delinquency and Substance Use in Europe: Understanding Risk and Protective Factors. New York: Springer. Mielke, M. & Farrington, D. P. (2021). School-based interventions to reduce suspension and arrest: A meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 56, 101518 Farrington, D. P. & Ttofi, M. (2021). Advancing knowledge about youth violence: Child maltreatment, bullying, dating violence, and intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Violence, 36, 109-115 Farrington, D. P. & Bergstrom, H. (2021). Social origins of psychopathy. In A. R. Felthous & H. Sass (Eds.) The Wiley International Handbook on Psychopathic Disorders and the Law (2nd ed.). (vol. 1, pp. 421-447) New York: Wiley. |
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Hulley, S. & Young, T. (2021). Silence, joint enterprise and the legal trap. Criminology & Criminal Justice |
Ievins, A. & Mjåland, K. (2021) Authoritarian exclusion and laissez-faire inclusion: Comparing the punishment of men convicted of sex offenses in England & Wales and Norway. Criminology | |
Laws, B. (2021). Segregation Seekers: an Alternative Perspective on the Solitary Confinement Debate.The British Journal of Criminology | |
Liebling, A., Schmidt, B. E., Beyens, K., Boone, M., Johnsen, B., Kox, M., Rokkan, T., & Vanhouche, A-S. (2021). ‘Doing Team Ethnography in a Transnational Prison’. International Criminology | |
Maskály, J, Kutnjak Ivković, S. & Neyroud, P. (2021). Policing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploratory Study of the Types of Organizational Changes and Police Activities Across the Globe. International Criminal Justice Review | |
Ramaj, K. (2021). The aftermath of human trafficking: Exploring the Albanian victims’ return, rehabilitation, and reintegration challenges. Journal of Human Trafficking | |
Fraser, A. & Schliehe, A. (2021). The Carceral City: Confinement and Order in Hong Kong’s Forbidden Enclave. The British Journal of Criminology |
Herrity, K. Schmidt, B. E. & Warr, J. (2021). Sensory Penalities: Exploring the Senses in Spaces of Punishment and Social Control. Emerald.
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Gaffney, H., Ttofi, M. & Farrington, D. P. (2021). Effectiveness of school‐based programs to reduce bullying perpetration and victimization: An updated systematic review and meta‐analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17 | |
Do, H. P.,, ... , Valdebenito, S., Eisner, M, et al. (2021). Brief screening for maternal mental health in Vietnam: Measures of positive wellbeing and perceived stress predict prenatal and postnatal depression. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 3 Foley, S., …, Valdebenito, S. & Eisner, M. (2021). Prenatal attachment: using measurement invariance to test the validity of comparisons across eight culturally diverse countries. Archives of Women’s Mental Health |