Dr Peter Neyroud is a Associate Professor in Evidence-based Policing. He was the Director of the M.St. Police Executive Programme. He has been at the Institute since 2010, following a 30-year career in the police service. He has been a Resident Scholar at the Jerry Lee Centre for Experimental Criminology managing a major research programme, Operation Turning Point; a randomised controlled trial testing offender desistance policing. He has taught senior police leaders and advised governments across the world and in the UK on criminal justice reform. His research interests centre on field experiments in policing, pre-court diversion, crime harm and the implementation and leadership of change in criminal justice agencies. He was the Co-Chair of the Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Coordinating Group for 10 years and is a Co-PI for the Campbell 5RD programme of systematic reviews on the prevention of terrorism and radicalisation.
Peter served for 30 years as a police officer in Hampshire, West Mercia and as Chief Constable of Thames Valley. He set up and ran the National Policing Improvement Agency as CEO. In 2010, he carried out the "Review of Police Leadership and Training" which led to the establishment of the new "National College of Policing", in 2012. He has been an independent reviewer of the Parole Board, a member of the Sentencing Guidelines Council and on both the National Policing and National Criminal Justice Boards.
He was awarded the Queens Police Medal in 2004 and a CBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in 2011. In 2023 he was awarded the Campbell Collaboration Robert Boruch Award for public policy impact.
(a) Publications whilst in the police service 1980-2010:
- Neyroud, P.W. (1981). The Havant Policing Scheme - an evaluation. Winchester: Hampshire Constabulary.
- Neyroud, P.W. (1984). Crime Pattern Analysis for policing - an evaluation. Winchester: Hampshire Constabulary.
- Neyroud, P.W. (1992). Multi-agency approaches to racial harassment - the lessons of implementing the Racial Attacks Group Report. New Community, 18,4, 567-579 (reporting the findings of M.Sc Dissertation on Multi-agency approaches to Racial Harassment).
- Neyroud, P.W. and Beckley, A. (2001). Policing, Ethics and Human Rights. Cullompton, Devon: Willan.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2001). Participation in policing. London: IPPR.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2003). Police Ethics. In Newburn, T. (Ed.). Handbook of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2006). Ethics in Policing: Performance and the Personalisation of Accountability in British Policing and Criminal Justice. Legal Ethics, 9, 1, 16-35.
- Neyroud, P.W. and Disley, E. (2007). The Management, supervision and oversight of criminal investigations. In Newburn, T., Williamson,T. and Wright, A. (Eds.). Handbook of Criminal Investigation. Cullompton, Devon: Willan.
- Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P.W. (Eds.) (2008). Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan.
(b) Publications since 2010:
- Sherman, L.W. and Neyroud, P.W. (2010). Offender Desistance Policing. London: Civitas
- Weisburd, D.W. and Neyroud, P.W. (2011) Police Science: Towards a New Paradigm. Washington: National Institute of Justice.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2011). More Police, less prison, less crime? From Peel to Popper: the case for more scientific policing. Criminology and public policy, 10,1,77-85.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2011a), Review of Police Leadership and Training London: Home Office.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2011b), Leading Policing in the 21st Century: Leadership, democracy, deficits and the new professionalism. Public Money and Management, Vol. 31, 5, September, 347-355
- Neyroud, P.W. (2011), Review of Police Leadership and Training London: Home Office. Report commissioned by the Home Secretary and presented to Parliament. [2 Volumes 400 pages: available online at]
- MacVean, A. and Neyroud, P.W. (2012). Policing, Ethics and Values. Canterbury: Learning Matters.
- MacVean, A. and Neyroud, P.W. (2012). Policing, Ethics and Values. Canterbury: Learning Matters. [Book – 180pp]
- Neyroud, P.W. and Gilmour, S. (2013). Through a glass darkly - some future influences on professional standards in policing? In MacVean, A. (Ed.). The Handbook of Professional Standards. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Neyroud, P.W. and Sherman, L.W. (2013). Dialogue and Dialectic: Police Legitimacy and the New Professionalism In Tankebe, J. and Liebling, A. (Eds.). Legitimacy in Criminal Justice. Oxford: OUP.
- Neyroud, P.W. and Sherman, L.W. (2013). Dialogue and Dialectic: Police Legitimacy and the New Professionalism In Tankebe, J. and Liebling, A. (Eds.). Legitimacy in Criminal Justice. Oxford: OUP. pp 293-308.
- Neyroud, P.W. and Gilmour, S. (2013). Through a glass darkly – some future influences on professional standards in policing? In MacVean, A. (Ed.). The Handbook of Professional Standards. Abingdon: Routledge. pp 184-193.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2014). Evidence-based Triage in Prosecuting Arrestees: Testing an Actuarial System of Selective Targeting. International Criminal Justice Review, 25,1, 117-132.
- Slothower, M.P., Sherman, L.W. and Neyroud, P.W. (2014). Tracking Quality of Police Actions in a Victim Contact Program: a Case Study of Training, Tracking and Feedback (TTF) in Evidence-based Policing. International Criminal Justice Review, 25,1, 98-117.
- Slothower, M.P., Sherman, L.W. and Neyroud, P.W. (2015) ‘Tracking Quality of Police Actions in a Victim Contact Program: A Case Study in Training, Tracking and Feedback (TTF) in Evidence-based Policing’, International Criminal Justice Review, 25(1): 98-116.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2015) ‘Future Perspectives in Policing: A Crisis or a Perfect Storm: The Trouble with Public Policing’, In Wankhade, P. and Weir, D. (Eds.) Police Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 161-167.
- Neyroud, P.W. and Slothower, M.P. (2015), ‘Wielding the Sword of Damocles: The Challenges and Opportunities in Reforming Police Out-of-Court Disposals in England and Wales’, In Wasik, M. and Santatzoglou, S. (Eds.) The Management of Change of Criminal Justice: Who knows best? Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 275-293
- Neyroud, P.W. (2015) Rethinking the Gateway: Using Evidence to reform the Criminal Justice System for victims and people who offend, London: Howard League ‘What if?” series. Retrieved 9th December 2016 from
- Neyroud, P.W. (2015) ‘Evidence-based triage in prosecuting arrestees: Testing an actuarial system of selective targeting’, International Criminal Justice Review, 25: 117-131
- Neyroud, P.W. (2016). The Ethics of Learning by Testing: The Police, Professionalism and Researching the Police Cowburn, M., Gelsthorpe, L. and Wahidin, A. (Eds.) Research Ethics in Criminology -Dilemmas, issues and Solutions. London: Routledge.
- Sherman, L.W., Neyroud, P.W. and Neyroud, E.C. (2016). The Cambridge Crime Harm Index: Measuring total harm from crime based on sentencing guideline. Policing, Online Publication February.
- Sherman, L.W., Neyroud, P.W. and Neyroud, E.C. (2016) The Cambridge Crime Harm Index: Measuring Total Harm from Crime based on Sentencing Guidelines. Policing, 10,3, 171-183.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2017) Evidence Review on the Effectiveness of Out of Court Disposals managed by the Police. Policy review for the National Police Chiefs Council, DPP and Ministry of Justice (September 2017)
- Neyroud, P.W. (2017) Learning to Field Test in Policing: Using an analysis of completed randomised controlled trials involving the police to develop a grounded theory on the factors contributing to high levels of treatment integrity in Police Field Experiments. Unpublished Dissertation for PhD, Institute of Criminology. [370pp]
- Neyroud, P.W. (2017) ‘Researching the Police: Inside-Outside Perspectives in a new world of police professionalism and practitioner research’, In Cowburn, M., Gelsthorpe, L. and Wahidin, A. (Eds.) Research Ethics in Criminology: Dilemmas, Issues and Solutions, London: Routledge, Chapter 5, 77-94.
- Goosey, J., Sherman, L. & Neyroud, P. (2017). Integrated case management of repeated intimate partner violence: a randomized, controlled trial. Camb J Evid Based Policing 1, 174–189
- Bedford, L. and Neyroud, P.W. (2018) Organisational learning from field research in policing: how police can improve policy and practice by implementing randomised controlled trials. European Journal of Policing Studies. [article – 24pp]
- House, P. and Neyroud, P.W. (2018) Developing a Harm Index for Western Australia: the WACHI. Cambridge Journal of Evidence—based Policing, Online First DOI 10.1007/s41887-018-0022-6.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2018) Systematic Reviews: “Better Evidence for a better world”. In Mitchell, R. and Huey, L. (Eds.) Evidence-based Policing. Bristol: Polity Press.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2019) De-policing and Homicide: applying evidence and ethics to the “de-policing” debate. Criminology and Public Policy, Published online at
- Neyroud, P.W. (2019) Ethical Leadership in Policing: towards a new evidence-based, ethical professionalism? In Ramshaw, P., Silvestri, M. and Simpson, M. (Eds.) Police Leadership: Changing Landscapes. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan. pp. 3-23.
- Kärrholm, F., Neyroud, P.W. & Smaaland, J. (2020). Designing the Swedish Crime Harm Index: an Evidence-Based Strategy. Cambridge Journal of Evidence Based Policing 4, 15–33
- Yuning Wu, Ivan Y Sun, Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich, Jon Maskaly, Shan Shen, Peter Neyroud, (2021) Explaining Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Chinese Police Officers, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, paab053, [online only advanced access]
- Jon Maskály, Sanja Kutnjak Ivković and P.W. Neyroud (2021) A comparative study of police organizational changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: responding to public health crisis or something else?, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, paab043, [online only advanced access]
- J. Maskaly, Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovic and P.W. Neyroud (2021) Policing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploratory Study of the Types of Organizational Changes and Police Activities Across the Globe. International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 31(3) 266-285.
- Neyroud, P.W. (2021). Policing “landscapes” for the rule of law and public protection: A review of the available evidence on organizational policies, structures, and human resources. Paper prepared for the Committee on the Evidence to Advance Reform in the Global Security and Justice Sectors, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Online at [online only advanced access – 24 pp]
- Neyroud, P.W., Ivkovic, S.K. and Maskaly, J. (2021) A Comparative Study of Police Organizational Changes in Europe during the COVID-19 Pandemic (CEPOL European Police Science Bulletin), [online only advanced access pp 23]
Neyroud, P., Al Mansoori, B. K., Davies, A., & Al Kaabi, F. A. M. (2023). Developing organisational excellence: Applying benchmarking for guiding and measuring police agency performance – Abu Dhabi Police case study. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 25(4), 484-499.
Sun, I. Y., Wu, Y., Shen, S., Kutnjak Ivkovich, S., Maskaly, J., & Neyroud, P. (2023). Police Officers’ Preferences for Enforcing COVID-19 Regulatory Violations: The Impact of Organizational Support, Psychological Conditions, and Public Compliance. Crime & Delinquency, 0(0).
- Neyroud, P.W. and Weisburd, D.W. (2023) Reinventing Policing: using science to transform policing. In Weisburd, D.W., Jonathan-Zamir, T., Hasisi, B. and Perry, G. (Ed) The Future of Policing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.