Caroline Lanskey is a University Associate Professor in Criminology and Criminal Justice and the Director of the Justice and Society Research Centre at the Institute of Criminology. Her research draws on her interdisciplinary expertise in criminology, education (sociology and philosophy) and language, and explores the human and social dimensions of criminal justice involvement with a particular focus on processes of marginalisation and inclusion. Over the past 20 years she has developed an international research profile in the fields of youth justice including youth custody, prisoners' families and children, education and the arts in criminal justice.
With expertise in qualitative and quantitative methodologies she has been principal investigator of numerous research projects including a study of the education pathways of young people in the youth justice system; an evaluation of the Ormiston Families 'Breaking Barriers' programme for children of prisoners, a historical review of safeguarding children in the secure estate and the Families and Imprisonment Research (FAIR) Study ( She has co-led several other projects: ECOR, a European evaluation of restorative prison and probation programmes, a study of youth justice and rurality, and a study of young careleavers’ transitions into independent living.
Her current research includes a comparative study of cumulative disadvantage in youth justice decision-making in England and Wales and the Netherlands funded by a Cambridge Humanities Research Grant and ‘Inspiring Futures’ an ESRC funded evaluation of the Arts in Criminal Justice settings.
Dr Lanskey teaches and supervises students at undergraduate, masters and PhD levels. She is the director of undergraduate teaching at the Institute and author and course organiser of the ‘Foundations of Criminology and Criminal Justice’ paper which is part of the joint Sociology/Criminology degree for students on the Human, Social and Political Sciences Tripos. In 2019 she received the Cambridge University Students Union student-led teaching award for academic support.
Lanskey, C., Markson, L., Souza, K., Ellis, S., Lösel, F.,& Barton‐Crosby, J. (2023) ‘Morality and Motherhood of (Ex-)Prisoners’ Children’ in Bottoms A.E. and Jacobs, J. (eds) Morality, Crime and Criminal Justice, Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Bottoms, A.E. and Lanskey, C. (2023) ‘Ethical Aspects of Journeys towards Desistance by Male Young Adult Recidivists’ in Bottoms A.E. and Jacobs, J. (eds) Morality, Crime and Criminal Justice, Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Diamond, S.,and Lanskey, C. (2023). An opportunity to find oneself at the end of a paintbrush: Exploration of an artist-led prison intervention model bringing people from prison and local community together. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
Espeute, S., and Lanskey, C. (2023). An exploration of police discretion in the identification of child victims of county lines drug trafficking. Policing and Society, 1-20.
Ellis, S., Lanskey, C., Markson, L., Souza, K., Barton-Crosby, J., & Lösel, F. (2022). Retracing Participants in Longitudinal Studies: Trekking the Timescape of Fieldwork. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 1-16 DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2022.2056993
Lanskey, C. & Biddle, M. (2022). ‘Taking Note of Carceral Space in Family Programmes for Incarcerated Women’ in Brown, S. L. and Gelsthorpe L. (eds) The Wiley Handbook on What Works with Girls and Women in Conflict with the Law, John Wiley and Sons Ltd: Chichester.
Sparks, R. and Lanskey C. (2022) ‘Reflections on the Life of a British Criminologist’ in Liebling, A, Shapland, J. Sparks, R and Tankebe, J. (eds) Crime, Justice and Social Order: Essays in Honour of A.E. Bottoms, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Souza, K., Lanskey, C., Ellis, S., Lösel, F., Markson, L., & Barton‐Crosby, J. (2021) ‘The mental health trajectories of male prisoners and their female (ex‐) partners from pre‐to post‐release’ Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 31(6), 399-409.
Lanskey, C. (2021) ‘Critical Reflections on Education for Children in Youth Justice Custody’ in Cox, A. and L.S. Abrams (eds) The Palgrave International Handbook of Youth Imprisonment (pp. 593-614). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham.
Marshall, H., Harvey, J., & Lanskey, C. (2019) ‘Connectors, Horizon Stretchers, Outsiders: Youth Justice Practitioners in Rural England’ Youth Justice, 20 (3) 293-308.
Lanskey, C., Lösel, F., Markson, L., and Souza, K. (2019) Prisoners’ Families’ Research : Developments, Debates and Directions. In The Palgrave Handbook of Prison and the Family. Hutton, M. & Moran, D. (eds.) London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Souza, K., Lanskey, C., Markson, L., and Lösel, F. (2019) ‘Partners of Incarcerated Men: Questioning Caring Stereotypes’. In Hutton, M. & Moran, D. (eds.) In The Palgrave Handbook of Prison and the Family. Hutton, M. & Moran, D. (eds.) London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Jarman, B., & Lanskey, C. (2019). ‘A Poor Prospect Indeed’: The State’s Disavowal of Child Abuse Victims in Youth Custody, 1960–1990. Societies, 9(2), 27.
Lanskey, C. (2018) 'Children's education, youth justice and rehabilitation: an historical overview' In (eds) Gallard, D; Millington, J. & Evans, K. 'Children and their education in secure accommodation' London: Routledge.
Lanskey, C. (2018) 'Youth voice and participation in secure settings for young people' In (eds) Gallard, D; Millington, J. & Evans, K. 'Children and their education in secure accommodation' London: Routledge.
Lanskey, C., Lösel, F., Markson, L., and Souza, K. (2018) ‘Prisoners' Families, Penal Power, and the Referred Pains of Imprisonment’ In (eds): Condry, C. & Scharff-Smith, P. Prisons, Punishment and the Family: Towards a New Sociology of Punishment?, Oxford: OUP.
Gelsthorpe, L., & Lanskey, C. (2016) 'Youth Justice in England and Wales.' In Oxford Handbooks Online, New York: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935383.013.60.
Lanskey, C. (2016) Formal and informal learning in custodial settings for young people Prison Service Journal 226 3-7.
Lanskey, C., Lösel, F., Markson, L., & Souza, K. (2016) Children's contact with their imprisoned father and the father-child relationship after his release. Families, Relationships and Societies 5(1) 43-58.
Lanskey, C. (2015) Up or down and out? A systemic analysis of young people's educational pathways in the youth justice system in England and Wales. International Journal of Inclusive Education 19(6) 568-582.
Lanskey C., Lösel. F, Markson, L., & Souza, K. (2015) Re-framing the analysis: a 3-dimensional perspective of prisoners' children's well-being. Children and Society 29(5) 484-494.
Jack, A., Lanskey, C., & Harvey, J. (2015) Young offenders' and their families' experiences of mental health interventions. Journal of Children's Services, 10(4) 353-364.
Markson, L., Lösel, F., Souza, K. A., & Lanskey, C. (2015). Male prisoners' family relationships and resilience in resettlement. Criminology & Criminal Justice. 15(4) 423-441.
Souza, K., Lösel, F., Markson, L., & Lanskey, C. (2015) Pre-Release Expectations and Post-Release Experiences of Prisoners and their (Ex-) Partners. Legal and Criminal Psychology 20(2) 306-323.
Lanskey, C. (2011) Promise or Compromise? Education for Young People in Secure Institutions in England. Youth Justice Journal 11 (1):47-60.
Lanskey, C., Rudduck J. (2010) Pupil voice and leadership, Elsevier International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd edition. 803-808.
Lanskey, C. (2010) Citizenship Education For Young People in Secure Institutions in England and Wales. Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 30 : 41-56.
Book Reviews
Lanskey, C. (2014), Children in Custody: Anglo-Russian Perspectives by M. McAuley. London: Bloomsbury (2010) 274pp. 50.00hb ISBN 978-1-84-966000-6. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 53: 31317. doi: 10.1111/hojo.12081.
Lanskey, C. (2013) Emma Hughes, Education in Prison: Studying Through Distance Learning Australian Journal of Criminology 46:311-313.
Research Reports
Jarman, B., Lucy Delap, L., Jackson, L., Lanskey, C., Marshall, H. and Gelsthorpe, L. Safeguarding children in the secure estate: 1960 -2016. Cambridge: Institute of Criminology. Available at:
Lanskey, C (2017) Evaluation of the Ormiston Families' Breaking Barriers Service in Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Essex.
Wilson, M., & Lanskey, C. (2016) ECOR Implementation Strategy, Piloting Report and Expansion Analysis. Available at:
Wilson, M., & Lanskey, C. (2015) ECOR Groundwork Report. Available at:
Lösel, F., Pugh, G., Markson, L., Souza, K., Lanskey, C. (2012) Risk and Protective Factors in the Resettlement of Imprisoned Fathers with their Families. Milton: Ormiston Children's and Families Trust.
Lanskey, C., Drake, D., Harvey, J., Liebling, A. (2008) Training at the Edge. Final report of research evaluation. Cambridge: Institute of Criminology.