Jasmine is a PhD student in the Justice and Society Research Centre, supervised by Professor Loraine Gelsthorpe and Dr Caroline Lanskey. She received a BA in Political Science from Michigan State University (USA) and an MPhil in Criminological Research from the University of Cambridge. She began the PhD in Lent of 2023, and her research is funded by the Gates Cambridge Trust.
Jasmine's dissertation is on: 'The Symbiotic Harms of Incarceration: Political and Community Effects of the Incarceration of Black Women'. She is researching political participation, and community engagement post-incarceration, in the African American community. Her research uses 'contact theory' and the concept of 'symbiotic harm' to also analyse the impact of incarceration on those who are closely connected to the incarcerated individual. Jasmine plans to use both quantitative and qualitative methods to complete her PhD.
- Jordan, J., Lajevardi, N., & Waller, J. (2023). How contact is related to awareness of discrimination against women of color. Politics, Groups, and Identities, 11(5), 1120-1137.