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Institute of Criminology



Eliska graduated with a first-class degree from Birmingham City University in 2021 and was awarded a student prize for the best contribution to the Transitional Organised and Corporate Crime module. She completed her MPhil in Criminology at the University of Cambridge in 2022, where she conducted a study entitled: “Silent Victims of the Criminal Justice System: Experiences of Czech Children with Incarcerated Parents”. This research explored the needs and thoughts of Czech children with parents in prison. Similar to her MPhil dissertation, her doctoral research focuses on the experiences of Czech children with incarcerated parents, with an emphasis on how  children of prisoners are informed about parental incarceration. Eliska is in ongoing contact with various NGOs which help prisoners and their families in the Czech Republic. She is a part-time social worker and consultant for the NGO Za Branou, z.s. Eliska is supervised by Dr Caroline Lanskey and is a member of the Justice and Society Research Centre.

Thesis Title: A qualitative study of how and why children in Czechia are told about their parent’s imprisonment
Eliska Suchomel Duskova

Contact Details


Fitzwilliam College
Person keywords: 
Parental imprisonment; child impact