Katherine Auty, Alison Liebling, Anna Schliehe, & Ben Crewe (2022) What is trauma-informed practice? Towards operationalisation of the concept in two prisons for women. Criminology and Criminal Justice | |
Christopher Mikton, Laura Campo-Tena, Yongjie Yon, Marie Beaulieu, Yusra Ribhi Shawar (2022) Factors shaping the global political priority of addressing elder abuse: a qualitative policy analysis. The Lancet | |
Sarah Doxat-Pratt, Anna Schliehe, & Julie Laursen (2022) ‘Thank you for having me’: The experiences and meanings of release from prison in Norway and England & Wales. Incarceration: An International Journal of Imprisonment, Detention and Coercive Confinement |
Loraine Gelsthorpe is one of the authors of a new Research & Analysis Bulletin (2022): Probation staff experiences of working with people at risk of suicide and/or self harm. HM Inspectorate of Probation. (Their Research & Analysis Bulletins are aimed at all those with an interest in the quality of probation and youth offending services, presenting key findings to assist with informed debate and help drive improvement where it is required). | |
Susie Hulley & Serena Wright (guest editors) (2022) Looking at life imprisonment. Prison Service Journal, 261, Special edition. This includes articles written by Susie Hulley & Ben Jarman | |
Hannah Marshall (2022) Young Men’s Perspectives on Child Criminal Exploitation and Their Involvement in County Lines Drug Dealing: An Intersectional Analysis. In J. Healy and B. Colliver (eds), Contemporary Intersectional Criminology in the UK. Examining the Boundaries of Intersectionality and Crime. p. 87-101. Bristol University Press |
Konstantina Stamati & Lucy Willmott (2022) Preparing UK PhD students towards employability: a social science internship programme to enhance workplace skills. Journal of Further and Higher Education |