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Institute of Criminology



Wenyue has an undergraduate background in Economics and joined the Institute of Criminology in 2022 to complete an MPhil in Criminological Research. He is currently pursuing an ADR-ESRC funded PhD studentship, studying “Drug Trafficking in England and Wales” under the supervision of Dr Paolo Campana and Dr Charles Lanfear.


Wenyue’s PhD project is comprised of three general aims: 1) To reconstruct the structure, and visualise the geographical spread of drug trafficking networks underpinning drug markets across England and Wales, 2) To understand the movement of drug-related offenders across LSOAs, and why certain LSOAs are more central in drug trafficking networks, and 3) To perform explanatory inference using network regression techniques to understand why connections between nodes within drug trafficking networks emerge.

Research interests: Drug Trafficking, Criminal Networks, Organised Crime.

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Clare College