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Institute of Criminology



I graduated from the Cambridge Police Executive Programme in 2023. My applied Master’s Thesis focussed on using existing technology more effectively and efficiently to improve public trust and confidence in Policing. Undertaken as a successful pilot with North Yorkshire Police, the Continuous Integrity Screening pilot was then deployed as part of a national programme across the UK during the remainder of 2023.

I am proud to lead the policing sector for CGI, a global technology provider, alongside my part-time PhD. My PhD will focus on the creating a framework for the delivery of Artificial Intelligence within policing and public safety. My route into academia is far from traditional, leaving school before my A-levels to start work and travel the world, I am a firm believer in challenging the status quo. My organisation believes in a constant learning approach to developing technology solutions which has facilitated this research.


My research interests include the use of emerging technology within public safety and policing, in an ethical, legitimate and explainable way. Also, how private industry can collaborate with the public and third sector to improve outcomes across society relating to harm using emerging and existing technology. This PhD research will include gathering input from across criminal justice and technology practitioners, pioneers and experts.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to be included as a stakeholder in my research.

LinkedIn - Nick Dale | LinkedIn


Key publications: 
  • Cambridge, Evidence Based Policing conference - July 2023
  • South West, Society Evidence Based Policing Conference – December 2023

Contact Details


Fitzwilliam College
Person keywords: 
Emerging technology within public safety and policing