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Institute of Criminology



Andrew Fallone is a PhD researcher at the University of Cambridge Institute of Criminology, focusing on critical approaches to clandestine migration, social capital, and the impact of migration management and counter-smuggling policies on irregular migrants' experiences. He has conducted research with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development and the Centre for European Policy Studies. Andrew graduated as valedictorian of the European University Institute School of Transnational Governance. Before joining EUI, Andrew completed a fellowship with the German Bundestag and U.S. Department of State, researching the market for human smuggling. Andrew also previously worked with the United Nations, the General Delegation of Palestine to the United States, and the Embassy of the Principality of Liechtenstein, among other organizations. Andrew has participated in fieldwork in Mexico and Canada, and his current research plan involves further fieldwork in Mexico and Algeria. Andrew speaks English, German, Spanish, Italian, and Arabic at varying levels of proficiency. 

Thesis Title: Unseen Walls: A Critical and Feminist Approach to the Differential Impacts of State Policies on Social Capital’s Role in Human Smuggling and ‘Irregular’ Migration


Christ's College