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Institute of Criminology

Peter Walsh and Paolo Campana


The newly-elected Labour Government in the United Kingdom has promised to “smash the gangs” smuggling people across the Channel. But what is the business model of such gangs? Is this model ‘breakable’? And how? This talk will discuss what we know about the structure and mechanisms underpinning human smuggling operations into and across European countries – and what are the (complex) implications for policy makers, including the new British Government.

Dr Peter William Walsh is Senior Researcher at The Migration Observatory, and Departmental Lecturer in Migration Studies, University of Oxford.

Paolo Campana is Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminology. His work specialises in organised crime and criminal networks.

Watch the recording of this event on our YouTube Channel.

Thursday, 7 November, 2024 - 17:00 to 19:00
Event location: 
Institute of Criminology Lower Ground Seminar Rooms