Professor Sherman's research interests are in the fields of crime prevention, evidence-based policing, restorative justice, police practices and experimental criminology. He has conducted field experiments, for example, on finding more effective ways to reduce homicide, gun violence, domestic violence, robbery, burglary, and other crime problems, in collaboration with such agencies as the Metropolitan, Northumbria and Thames Valley Police, London's Crown Courts, HM Prisons, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Youth Justice Board of England and Wales, and the National Probation Service. Since 1995, he has been co-directing a program of prospective longitudinal experiments in restorative justice involving some 2500 offenders and 2000 crime victims. Since 2005, he has been developing new tools for predicting murder among offenders on probation and parole in Philadelphia, as well as randomized trials of intensive services among highest-risk offenders.
Recent Publications
Please find below a list of recent publications by Professor Sherman in PDF format:
- Rowley Transcript, BBC Radio 4, 12th January 2023
- Commissioner Speech at the Institute of Engineering and Technology, 10th January 2023
- The Rise of Evidence-Based Policing, Crime and Justice, Volume 42: Crime and Justice in America: 1975-2025
- Increased homicide victimization of suspects arrested for domestic assault: A 23-year follow-up of the Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment (MilDVE) Lawrence W. Sherman & Heather M. Harris
- "Offender Desistance Policing (ODP): Less Prison and More Evidence in Rehabilitating Offenders" in In T. Bliesener, A. Beelmann, & M. Stemmler, eds. Antisocial behavior and crime: Contributions of developmental and evaluation research to prevention and intervention (pp. 199-218). Cambridge, MA: Hogrefe Publishing.An Integrated Theory of Hot Spots Patrol Strategy Implementing Prevention by Scaling Up and Feeding back
- Download publications
Professor Sherman in the Media
Below is a list of Media items by, for and including Professor Sherman. Please note some are external links and therefore you must abide by their website conditions
- The New Police Knowledge
- Diagnosing Crime, Dispensing Justice
- Manchester Police to test Cambridge "pressure points"
- Cambridge to train police chiefs in India
- Lawrence Sherman: Guardian Profile, courtesy of The Guardian
Video Links
The below links are to various external media websites (YouTube etc) that contain video media. you may need to update your Flash Player to watch these:
- Lawrence Sherman - Criminólogo (SEGURIDAD PÚBLICA)
- Professor Lawrence Sherman (1 of 5): How Criminology Can Save States from Bankruptcy
- Professor Lawrence Sherman (2 of 5): How Criminology Can Save States from Bankruptcy
- Professor Lawrence Sherman (3 of 5): How Criminology Can Save States from Bankruptcy
- Professor Lawrence Sherman (4 of 5): How Criminology Can Save States from Bankruptcy
- Professor Lawrence Sherman (5 of 5): How Criminology Can Save States from Bankruptcy
- Professor Lawrence Sherman: 'Less Prison + More Policing = Less Crime
- Lawrence Sherman at Nudge and Beyond
- Prof. Lawrence Sherman - Evaluación de Impacto en Seguridad
- Lawrence Sherman - Presidencia del Uruguay
- Lawrence Sherman on Criminology_Social Science Bites
- Professional Policing and Liberal Democracy
- Professor Sherman Discusses Restorative Conferencing
See also Lawrence Sherman YouTube Playlist
Audio Links
The links below are to various audio files, mostly .MP3 format files. Generally you should not need any extra drivers to play these files
- Lawrence Sherman - Academic Minute 'How Arresting Offenders May Kill Victims'
- High Sheriff of Greater London's Talk: TRANSFORMING JUSTICE WITH KNOWLEDGE. March 10, 2014, Fishmonger's Hall, London
- Lawrence Sherman - Social Science Bites Podcast
- Lawrence Sherman - The Crime Conundrum
Lawrence Sherman in 1995 interviewing police scholar Albert Reiss on his career in criminology
Professional Policing and Liberal Democracy
Professor Lawrence Sherman:'Less Prison + More Policing...
Lawrence Sherman - Criminólogo (SEGURIDAD PÚBLICA)
Lawrence Sherman at Nudge and Beyond: Behavioural Science
Prof. Lawrence Sherman - Evaluación de Impacto en Seguridad -
Cambridge Ideas - The Crime Experiment
Lawrence Sherman - Presidencia del Uruguay
Lawrence Sherman at Nudge and Beyond: Behavioural Science, Policy and Knowing What Works
Download CV
Download 'Forecasting murder within a population of probationers and parolees'